

This website is owned and operated by Farzana Consulting & Coaching (“Company,” “we,” or “us”).

This Disclaimer, along with the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy, governs your access to and use of farzanaconsulting.com, including any content, functionality and services offered on or through farzanaconsulting.com (the “Website”), whether as a guest or a registered user.

Please read the Disclaimer carefully before you start to use the Website. By using the Website or by clicking to accept or agree to the Terms of Use when this option is made available to you, you accept and agree to be bound and abide by the Disclaimer. If you do not want to agree to the Privacy Policy, you must not access or use the Website.

Not Medical Or Health Advice

The information contained on this Website and the resources available for download through this website is not intended as, and shall not be understood or construed as, medical or health advice. While the professional at the Company addresses health issues and the information provided on this Website relates to medical and/or health issues, the information contained on this Website is not a substitute for medical or health advice from a professional who is aware of the facts and circumstances of your individual situation.

We have done our best to ensure that the information provided on this Website and the resources available for download are accurate and provide valuable information. Regardless of anything to the contrary, nothing available on or through this Website should be understood as a recommendation that you should not consult with a medical or health professional to address your particular information. The Company expressly recommends that you seek advice from a professional.

Neither the Company nor owners shall be held liable or responsible for any errors or omissions on this website or for any damage you may suffer as a result of failing to seek competent medical or health advice from a professional who is familiar with your situation.

No Client-Professional Relationship

Your use of this Website – including implementation of any suggestions set out in this Website and/or use of any resources available on this Website – does not create a professional-client relationship between you and the Company or any of its professionals. The Company cannot accept you as a client unless and until we determine that there is a fit and until various requirements, such as fee arrangements and client-professional contracts are resolved. Thus, you recognise and agree that we have not created any client-professional relationship by the use of this Website.

Individual’s Personal Responsibility

By using this Website, you accept personal responsibility for the results of your actions. You agree to take full responsibility for any harm or damage you suffer as a result of the use, or non-use, of the information available on this Website or the resources available for download from this Website. You agree to use judgment and conduct due diligence before taking any action or implementing any plan or policy suggested or recommended on this Website.

No Guarantees

Coaching services are provided “as is”, without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied, including without limitation any warranty for information services, coaching, uninterrupted access, or products and services provided through or in connection with the service. This service is requested at the client’s own choice and with inherent singular responsibility. Any actions or lack of actions, taken by the client of such advice is done so solely by choice and responsibility of the client and is neither the responsibility nor liability of Farzana Consulting & Coaching. The client takes full responsibility in the decisions they make after being coached as well as the consequences. The client enters into coaching with full understanding that they are responsible for creating their own results.

Coaching results are not guaranteed. The Client enters into the Coaching process with the full understanding that they are responsible for creating their own results.

The Coach will provide coaching services based on the Client’s needs and desired level of support. The Coach and Client will co-create the Coaching Agenda, which will identify the Client’s requirements for Coaching support.

Success requires the Client’s commitment to the Coaching process and the outcomes that result from it. The client is required to be open and honest about their identified areas for development and their needs. They are required to keep agreements and stay committed to the goals identified by the Client, which will form the basis of the Coaching Agenda.

The Coach’s role is to employ expertise as a mentor, taskmaster, motivator and sounding board, which will help the Client get on track, stay focussed, and be accountable for his/her progress.

Errors and Omissions

This Website is a public resource of general information that is intended, but not promised or guaranteed, to be correct, complete, and up-to-date. We have taken reasonable steps to ensure that the information contained in this Website is accurate, but we cannot represent that this Website is free of errors. You can query any more information with us at support@farzanaconsulting.com


At various places on this Website, you may find testimonials from clients and customers of the products and services offered on this Website or by the Company. The testimonials are actual statements made by clients and/or customers and have been truthfully conveyed on this Website. Although these testimonials are truthful statements about results obtained by these clients and/or customers, the results obtained by these clients and/or customers are not necessarily typical. You specifically recognise and agree that the testimonials are not a guarantee of results that you or anyone else will obtain by using any products or services offered on this Website or by the Company.

Contact Me

We welcome your questions or comments regarding the Disclaimer:

Farzana Consulting & Coaching
Greystones, Co. Wicklow
Email: support@farzanaconsulting.com

Terms of Use

These Terms of Use, and any documents referred to herein, set out the terms and conditions on which you are permitted to use our website, www.farzanaconsulting.com (our website). By using our website, you agree to be bound by, and to comply with, these Terms of Use.

These Terms of Use are effective from 01 August 2021.

Farzana Consulting & Coaching operates the website (referred to as “we”, “us” or “our” in this Terms of Use document).

Contact Details
Our full details are:
Full name of legal entity: Farzanaconsulting
Email Address: support@farzanaconsulting.com
Postal address: Greystones, Co. Wicklow, Ireland


  1. The terms and conditions below apply to all coaching and mentoring services provided by Farzanaconsulting to any individual or organisation (“the client”) and constitute the contract for the service to be provided by Farzanaconsulting for the client. The term ‘coaching’ as here used covers life coaching, personal coaching, executive coaching, career coaching and business coaching for clients and where applicable includes mentoring or supervision services provided for clients, coaches or others.
  2. Coaching is not psychological counselling or any type of therapy, and should not be construed as such.
  3. In return for the fees payable by the client (or by a third party on their behalf), Farzanaconsulting agrees to provide the service(s) as described below and in accordance with the terms and conditions set out below. The client agrees to pay fees for the service on the terms and conditions set out below (in situations where a third party pays the fees, the third party counts as an agent acting on behalf of the client).
  4. The date that the first coaching session takes place shall be deemed to be the start date for the service. Participation by any individual in the first coaching session constitutes acceptance of these terms and conditions. The client will be required to sign a contract with Farzanaconsulting at the commencement of consulting or coaching.

Responsibility & Commitment

Whether engaged in live coaching or a home study package, the client has sole responsibility for any decisions they may make following coaching with Farzanaconsulting. Farzanaconsulting accepts no liability for the client’s actions. Farzanaconsulting has no liability for any loss incurred by any client, whether financial or otherwise, following commencement of coaching sessions or on the basis of any advice or documentation given by Farzanaconsulting either in the Farzanaconsulting blog, at an event, or for any perceived failure by the client, whether justified or otherwise, to achieve a material improvement in quality of life or to achieve their desired outcomes or goals..

Clarity & Style

  1. Farzana consulting & coaching will discuss with the client their preferred style of coaching. The client has the right to talk openly and candidly with their coach, and the client is encouraged to discuss any concerns they have with Farzana on any area of the coaching process. Farzana consulting & coaching welcomes openness and honesty.
  2. Feedback about the service is welcomed and can be given during a coaching session or by emailing Farzana at support@farzanaconsulting.com
  3. Farzana Consulting & Coaching is continually striving to ensure the standard of service it provides to its clients remains outstanding. At the end of the coaching process, or series of coaching sessions, the client may be asked to complete a feedback form.

Your Responsibility

Your responsibility for others who access our website using your device or internet connection

You must ensure that any persons who access our website on your computer(s) or device(s), or who are permitted or able to access our website on your computer(s) or device(s), or who use your internet connection, are aware of these Terms of Use and all other documentation referred to in them, and that such persons also agree to be bound by and to comply with these Terms of Use. If for any reason whatsoever, such persons do not agree to these Terms of Use or do not wish to be bound by them, they must not access or use our website, and you must not permit them to do so.

Other documents governing your use of our website

In addition to these Terms of Use, your use of our website is also governed by the following documents:

Our privacy policy, which is available at https://farzanaconsulting.com/policies. Our privacy policy governs our use of your information. It sets out the types of information we collect, the reasons we collect it, how we use it, where we may pass it on to any third-parties, in what circumstances and for what reasons, and any other relevant information relating to our use and/or processing of your information and your rights in relation to your information.

Our cookies policy, which is available at https://farzanaconsulting.com/policies. Our cookies policy governs our use of cookies and similar technologies on our website. It sets out the types of cookies we use, the purposes for which we use them, the circumstances in which we may place cookies on your computer, device or browser, and other relevant information relating to cookies, such as how to change your browser preferences and settings to accept or reject cookies.

By accessing and using our website, you agree to be bound by the terms and conditions contained in these Terms of Use, you acknowledge that we will process your information in accordance with our privacy policy, and our use of cookies and similar technologies in accordance with our cookies policy.

If you do not agree to the terms set out in these Terms of Use, you must not use our website.

Availability of our website

We make no representations and provide no warranties that:

  • the website will be made available at any specific time or from any specific geographical location;
  • your access to the website will be continuous or uninterrupted; or
  • the website will be accessible or optimized on all browsers, computers, tablets, phones or viewing platforms.
  • We reserve the right to suspend access to all or part of the website for any reason, including for business or operational reasons, such as improving the appearance or functionality of the website, content updates, periodic maintenance, or to resolve any issues that we become aware of. Wherever we anticipate that we need to suspend access to the website for a considerable period, we will try to provide you with prior notice where reasonably practicable.

Changes we may make to these Terms of Use and other documentation

We reserve the right to update these Terms of Use, our privacy policy, our cookies policy and any other documentation referred to in any of these documents from time to time. We may change our Terms of Use and other documentation for any reason, including:

  • to reflect any changes in the way we carry out our business;
  • to account for any changes we make to our website, including, without limitation, any new features or functionality we provide, any adjustments to how we provide notices to you, or any changes in the content, purpose or availability of the website;
  • to accurately describe our current data-processing activities so that you are kept up to date with our latest practices;
  • to inform you of any changes in the way that we use cookies or similar information-gathering technologies; or
  • to ensure that our documentation complies and remains compliant with any and all current and future applicable laws, regulations and official guidance.

If required by law, we will provide you with notice of any changes in these Terms of Use or the other documentation referred to in them by posting a notice on the website and/or by posting an updated version of these Terms of Use or other such documentation on our website with a new effective date stated at the beginning of them.

By continuing to access our website after we have updated our Terms of Use, terms of sale, and/or user content agreement, you agree to be bound by those updated versions. You also acknowledge that by continuing to access our website after we have updated our privacy policy and/or our cookies policy, that the practices set out in those updated policies will apply to our handling of your information and our use of cookies and similar technologies.

You must check these Terms of Use and all other documentation referred to in them each time you access our website to ensure that you are aware of the terms that apply to you at that time.

The date that these Terms of Use and/or any other documents (including our privacy policy and cookies policy) were last amended is set out at the top of that document and is referred to as that document’s “effective date”.

Ownership of material on our website

All pictures, images, trademarks, service marks, trade names, logos, copyright and other intellectual property rights in our website and its content are either owned by us or licensed to us. All such rights are protected by intellectual property laws around the world, and all rights are reserved. Any use of the website and its contents, other than as specifically authorised herein, is strictly prohibited. Any rights not expressly granted herein are reserved by us.

The pictures, images, trademarks, service marks, trade names, logos and other branding owned by third parties and used or displayed on or via our website (collectively, “Third Party Mark(s)”) may be trademarks of their respective owners, who may or may not endorse or be affiliated with or connected with us. Except as expressly provided in these Terms of Use, or in terms provided by the owner of a Third Party Mark, nothing in these Terms of Use or on or via the website should be construed as granting, by implication, estoppel, or otherwise, any license or right to use any of our or any Third Party Marks that are used or displayed on the website, without the respective owner’s prior written permission, in each instance. All goodwill generated from the use of our trade marks will benefit us exclusively.

We have used only a few images from https://unsplash.com in designing our website.

Information and content on our website provided on non-reliance basis

Our website is made available to you to provide you with general information about us, our business, and any products or services that we offer from time to time. We do not make our website available for any other purposes, except as expressly provided in these Terms of Use.

The content on our website is not intended to be construed as advice. You must not rely on any of the content of our website for any purposes whatsoever, and you must seek your own independent professional advice before deciding to take any course of action on the basis, whether in whole or in part, of any of the content available on our website at any time.

We make no representations and provide no warranties whatsoever, whether express or implied, that any of the content or materials available on our website from time to time are accurate, up to date or complete.

Prohibited uses of our website

You must not reproduce, duplicate, copy or resell any part of our website or any content from our website, save and except to the extent expressly permitted in these Terms of Use.

You must not, without our prior written consent, access, interfere with, damage or disrupt in any way our website or any part of it, our systems, any of our hardware or equipment or any networks on which our website is hosted, any software that we use to create or modify the website or to make the website available to you, or any hardware, equipment, network, server, software or technology owned or operated by us or any third party.

You must use our website for lawful purposes only and in accordance with these Terms of Use. You must not use our website:

  • for any purpose that is unlawful or that in any way breaches any applicable laws or regulations, whether local, national or international;
  • for any fraudulent purposes whatsoever;
  • to conduct any unsolicited or unauthorized advertising or direct or indirect marketing to anyone by any means, or to otherwise spam, communicate with or market to anyone any goods, services or business not authorized by us;
  • to upload, host or transmit any viruses, malware, adware, spyware, worms, Trojan horses, keystroke loggers, spyware, logic bombs, time bombs or any other harmful programs or code which could adversely affect the use or operation of the website, our hardware or systems, or the computers, tablets, phones or other devices of any users or other third parties, or to upload any content or materials containing any such content;
  • to communicate with, harm or attempt to harm children in any way; or
  • in any way or for any purpose that breaches these Terms of Use or the terms of any of the documents these Terms of Use refer to.

You must not submit any information about you to us if you are under the age of 18, or about any other person who is either:

  • under the age of 18; or
  • if they are aged 18 or above, where you have not received their prior written consent to submit information about them to us.

You must not submit to us any information which is considered ‘sensitive personal information’. ‘Sensitive personal information’ is information about you or any other person which reveals your or their racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, trade union membership or which is genetic data, biometric data, information which concerns your or their health, sex life or sexual orientation.

If you accidentally or intentionally submit such information to us, you will be considered to have consented to our processing of that information on the basis of Article 9(2)(a) of the General Data Protection Regulation (Regulation (EU) 2016/769).

Viruses and other harmful content

We do not guarantee that our website does not contain viruses or other malicious software. However, we do make reasonable efforts to prevent such viruses or bugs from being uploaded to our website.

We shall not be responsible for any bugs or viruses on our website, or any software that might be transferred to your computer from our website, or any consequences which the presence or operation of such programs may have.

You must ensure that you have in place up-to-date and effective anti-virus protection on your computer or other browsing device.

You must not upload or otherwise introduce to our website any viruses, malware, spyware, adware, Trojan horses, worms, logic bombs, time bombs, keystroke loggers or any other programs or code that is harmful or malicious.

You must not use any third parties, software or technology to attempt to gain unauthorized access to our website, our servers, systems, hardware, software or data.

You must not attempt to perform any denial of service type attack on our website.

You must not perform any action which would contravene the Computer Misuse Act 1990.

We may report any breach or suspected breach of this clause 11 (Viruses and other harmful content) to the relevant authorities and may disclose your identity.

Links to third party content or websites may appear on our website from time to time. We are not responsible for the content of any websites accessible via any link(s) on our website. All content on third party websites is outside of our control, and we do not represent or warrant that such content is related to us or our website, suitable or appropriate for use or viewing, lawful or accurate.

Any third party website accessible via a link on our website may collect and process your information. We are not responsible for any data-processing activities carried out by any third party website which is linked to from our website, and we disclaim any and all liability in respect of the same. You should check the privacy policy of any such third party to establish how they may use your information before you decide to use their website and its features.

You may not link to our website without our prior written consent.

Where you have obtained our consent to link to our website:

you may provide links to our website on other websites owned by you, provided that such websites and the use of any links to our website comply with these Terms of Use;

wherever you post a link to our website on any other website, you agree that you will do so in an appropriate manner, and not in any way which is defamatory or disparaging towards us, which misrepresents us or our business, or which causes any harm whatsoever to us or our business; and

you must not link to our website to suggest any form of joint venture, partnership, collaboration, affiliation, business relationship, approval or endorsement in connection with us where none exists and in any event, without having first obtained our prior written consent.

We may withdraw permission to link to our website at any time. If we withdraw permission to link to our website and inform you of the same, you must immediately remove or cause to be removed any links to our website.

Privacy Policy

This is the privacy notice of Farzana Consulting & Coaching In this document, “we”, “our”, or “us” refer to Farzana Consulting & Coaching. Our website address is: https://farzanaconsulting.com

This privacy notice provides you with details of how we collect and process your personal data through your use of our site https://farzanaconsulting.com

By providing us with your data, you warrant to us that you are over 13 years of age.

Farzana Consulting & Coaching is the data controller and we are responsible for your personal data (referred to as “we”, “us” or “our” in this privacy policy).

Contact DetailsOur full details are:
Full name of legal entity: Farzanaconsulting
Email Address: support@farzanaconsulting.comPostal address: Greystones, Co. Wicklow, Ireland

It is very important that the information we hold about you is accurate and up to date. Please let us know if at any time your personal information changes by emailing us at support@farzanaconsulting.com

The bases on which we process information about you

The law requires us to determine defined bases we process different categories of your personal information, and to notify you of the basis for each category.

If a basis on which we process your personal information is no longer relevant then we shall immediately stop processing your data.

If the basis changes then if required by law we shall notify you of the change and of any new basis under which we have determined that we can continue to process your information.

All information pertaining to cookies is available here in our cookie policy.

Purpose of data collection

Personal data means any information capable of identifying an individual. It does not include anonymised data.

We may process the following categories of personal data about you:

Communication Data that includes any communication that you send to us whether that be through the contact form on our website, through email, text, social media messaging, social media posting or any other communication that you send us. We process this data for the purposes of communicating with you, for record keeping and for the establishment, pursuance or defence of legal claims. Our lawful ground for this processing is our legitimate interests, which in this case are to reply to communications sent to us, to keep records and to establish, pursue or defend legal claims.

Customer Data that includes data relating to any purchases of goods and/or services such as your name, title, billing address, delivery address email address, phone number, contact details, purchase details and your card details. We process this data to supply the goods and/or services you have purchased and to keep records of such transactions. Our lawful ground for this processing is the performance of a contract between you and us and/or taking steps at your request to enter into such a contract.

User Data that includes data about how you use our website and any online services together with any data that you post for publication on our website or through other online services. We process this data to operate our website and ensure relevant content is provided to you, to ensure the security of our website, to maintain back- ups of our website and/or databases and to enable publication and administration of our website, other online services and business. Our lawful ground for this processing is our legitimate interests which in this case are to enable us to properly administer our website and our business.

Technical Data that includes data about your use of our website and online services such as your IP address, your login data, details about your browser, length of visit to pages on our website, page views and navigation paths, details about the number of times you use our website, time zone settings and other technology on the devices you use to access our website. The source of this data is from our analytics tracking system. We process this data to analyse your use of our website and other online services, to administer and protect our business and website, to deliver relevant website content and advertisements to you and to understand the effectiveness of our advertising. Our lawful ground for this processing is our legitimate interests which in this case are to enable us to properly administer our website and our business and to grow our business and to decide our marketing strategy.

Marketing Data that includes data about your preferences in receiving marketing from us and our third parties and your communication preferences. We process this data to enable you to partake in our promotions such as competitions, prize draws and free give-aways, to deliver relevant website content and advertisements to you and measure or understand the effectiveness of this advertising. Our lawful ground for this processing is our legitimate interests which in this case are to study how customers use our products/services, to develop them, to grow our business and to decide our marketing strategy.

We may use Customer Data, User Data, Technical Data and Marketing Data to deliver relevant website content and advertisements to you (including Facebook adverts or other display advertisements) and to measure or understand the effectiveness of the advertising we serve you. Our lawful ground for this processing is legitimate interests which is to grow our business. We may also use such data to send other marketing communications to you. Our lawful ground for this processing is either consent or legitimate interests (namely to grow our business).

Sensitive DataWe do not collect any Sensitive Data about you. Sensitive data refers to data that includes details about your race or ethnicity, religious or philosophical beliefs, sex life, sexual orientation, political opinions, trade union membership, information about your health and genetic and biometric data. We do not collect any information about criminal convictions and offences.

Where we are required to collect personal data by law, or under the terms of the contract between us and you do not provide us with that data when requested, we may not be able to perform the contract (for example, to deliver goods or services to you). If you don’t provide us with the requested data, we may have to cancel a product or service you have ordered but if we do, we will notify you at the time.

We will only use your personal data for a purpose it was collected for or a reasonably compatible purpose if necessary. For more information on this please email us at support@farzanaconsulting.com In case we need to use your details for an unrelated new purpose we will let you know and explain the legal grounds for processing.

We may process your personal data without your knowledge or consent where this is required or permitted by law.

We do not carry out automated decision making or any type of automated profiling.

We may collect data about you by you providing the data directly to us (for example by filling in forms on our site or by sending us emails). We may automatically collect certain data from you as you use our website by using cookies and similar technologies. Please see our cookie policy for more details about this https://farzanaconsulting.com/policies.

Marketing Communications

As part of the registration process for our monthly e-newsletter, we collect personal information. We use that information for a couple of reasons: to tell you about information you’ve asked us to tell you about; to contact you if we need to obtain or provide additional information; to check our records are right and to check every now and then that you’re happy and satisfied. We don’t rent or trade email lists with other organisations and businesses.

We use a third-party provider, MailChimp, to deliver our newsletter. We gather statistics around email opening and clicks using industry standard technologies to help us monitor and improve our e-newsletter. For more information, please see MailChimp’s privacy notice. You can unsubscribe to general mailings at any time of the day or night by clicking the unsubscribe link at the bottom of any of our emails.

Disclosures of your Personal Data

We may have to share your personal data with the parties set out below:

  • Service providers who provide IT and system administration services.
  • Professional advisers including lawyers, bankers, auditors and insurers
  • Government bodies that require us to report processing activities
  • Third parties to whom we sell, transfer, or merge parts of our business or our assets.

We require all third parties to whom we transfer your data to respect the security of your personal data and to treat it in accordance with the law. We only allow such third parties to process your personal data for specified purposes and in accordance with our instructions.

Data may be processed outside the European Union

Our website is hosted in Germany

We may also use outsourced services in countries outside the European Union from time to time in other aspects of our business.

Accordingly data obtained within Ireland or any other country could be processed outside the European Union although we endeavour to do everything within the EU and comply with GDPR.

For example, some of the software our website uses may have been developed in the United States of America or in Australia.

We use the following safeguards with respect to data transferred outside the European Union:

  • the processor is within the same corporate group as our business or organisation and abides by the same binding corporate rules regarding data processing.
  • the data protection clauses in our contracts with data processors include transfer clauses written by or approved by a supervisory authority in the European Union, specifically that in the country of Ireland.
  • we comply with a code of conduct approved by a supervisory authority in the European Union [, specifically that in the country of Ireland]
  • we are certified under an approved certification mechanism as provided for in the Act
  • both our organisation and the processor are public authorities between whom there is either a legally binding agreement or administrative arrangements approved by a supervisory authority in the European Union relating to protection of your information

Data Security

We use Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) certificates to verify our identity to your browser and to encrypt any data you give us.

Whenever information is transferred between us, you can check that it is done so using SSL by looking for a closed padlock symbol or other trust mark in your browser’s URL bar or toolbar.

We have put in place security measures to prevent your personal data from being accidentally lost, used, altered, disclosed, or accessed without authorisation.

We have procedures in place to deal with any suspected personal data breach and will notify you and any applicable regulator of a breach if we are legally required to.

Data Retention

Except as otherwise mentioned in this privacy notice, we keep your personal information only for as long as required by us:

  • to provide you with the services you have requested;
  • to comply with other law, including for the period demanded by our tax authorities;
  • to support a claim or defence in court.

If you wish us to remove personally identifiable information from our website, you may contact us at support@farzanaconsulting.com

Complaints regarding content on our website

The blog section of our website is a publishing medium. Anyone may register and then publish information about himself, herself or some other person. We attempt to moderate user generated content, but we are not always able to do so as soon as that content is published.

If you complain about any of the content on our website, we shall investigate your complaint. If we feel it is justified or if we believe the law requires us to do so, we shall remove the content while we investigate.

Free speech is a fundamental right, so we have to make a judgment as to whose right will be obstructed: yours, or that of the person who posted the content that offends you.

Information relating to your method of payment

Payment information is never taken by us or transferred to us either through our website or otherwise.

At the point of payment, you are transferred to a secure page on the website of PayPal or some other reputable payment service provider. That page may be branded to look like a page on our website, but it is not controlled by us.

Sending a message

When you contact us, whether by telephone, through our website or by e-mail, we collect the data you have given to us in order to reply with the information you need.

We record your request and our reply in order to increase the efficiency of our business

We keep personally identifiable information associated with your message, such as your name and email address until such time as you have been given the information requested.


When we receive a complaint, we record all the information you have given to us. Contact us at support@farzanaconsulting.com

We use that information to resolve your complaint. We may also compile statistics showing information obtained from this source to assess the level of service we provide, but not in a way that could identify you or any other person.

If you are in any way dissatisfied about how we process your personal information, you have a right to lodge a complaint with the Data Protection Commissioner. This can be done at https://www.dataprotection.ie/docs/complaints/1592.htm

Affiliate and business partner information

This is information given to us by you in your capacity as an affiliate of us or as a business partner.

It allows us to recognise visitors that you have referred to us, and to credit to you commission due for such referrals. It also includes information that allows us to transfer commission to you.

The information is not used for any other purpose.

We undertake to preserve the confidentiality of the information and of the terms of our relationship.

We expect any affiliate or partner to agree to reciprocate this policy.

Use of site by children

  • We do not sell products or provide services for purchase by children, nor do we market to children.
  • If you are under 18, you may use our website only with consent from a parent or guardian

Compliance with the law

Our privacy policy has been compiled so as to comply with the law of every country or legal jurisdiction in which we aim to do business. If you think it fails to satisfy the law of your jurisdiction, we should like to hear from you.

However, ultimately it is your choice as to whether you wish to use our website.

Review of this privacy policy

We may update this privacy notice from time to time as necessary. The terms that apply to you are those posted here on our website on the day you use our website. We advise you to print a copy for your records.

If you have any question regarding our privacy policy, please contact us.

Cookies Policy

Use of information we collect through automated systems when you visit our website

What are cookies

Cookies are small text files that are placed on your computer by websites that you visit. They are widely used in order to make websites work, or work more efficiently, as well as to provide information to the owners of the site.

  • Cookies are simple text files. They are needed to help navigate automatic logins, password authentication, shopping cart functions, personal preference settings and a variety of other functions. Cookies make these functions smooth and hassle-free to the user.
  • Cookies don’t search your computer for information. Cookies register the information you provide through your browser. When you enter personal and/or financial information on a website, the cookies store your information, both for ease of use on your next visit, and for ad tracking.
  • Information stored by cookies is usually encoded; it is protected from potential computer hackers by security features (which you, the website owner, have put into place.)
  • Cookies are necessary and enhance your browsing experience. Without cookies, you would have to reenter all of your information every time you revisited a site. A cookie will simply remember your information on the website to save you time.
  • Cookies only store the information you provide. A cookie cannot “grab” your email address. A cookie can store your email address on the website—if you have typed in your email address; a cookie stores all information you voluntarily give when you visit a website.
  • Cookies themselves contain very little information other than the URL of the website that created the cookie. Because there is so little information, a cookie can’t be used to identify you by name or other personal information. However, advances in technology have seen an increase in how companies can manipulate cookie information to create a profile of your web surfing habits. Again, this is a profile of a particular consumer’s surfing habits and product preferences, there is no name (your name) attached to the profile.
  • Cookies are harmless. They cannot introduce viruses on your computer.
  • Cookies are not the same thing as Spyware. A cookie stores your website surfing information; Spyware stores your Internet surfing information (every site you visit).

Personal identifiers from your browsing activity

Requests by your web browser to our servers for web pages and other content on our website are recorded.

We record information such as your geographical location, your Internet service provider and your IP address. We also record information about the software you are using to browse our website, such as the type of computer or device and the screen resolution.

We use this information in aggregate to assess the popularity of the webpages on our website and how we perform in providing content to you.

If combined with other information we know about you from previous visits, the data possibly could be used to identify you personally, even if you are not signed in to our website.

Our use of re-marketing

Re-marketing involves placing a cookie on your computer when you browse our website in order to be able to serve to you an advert for our products or services when you visit some other website.

We may use a third party to provide us with re-marketing services from time to time. If so, then if you have consented to our use of cookies, you may see advertisements for our products and services on other websites.

Most web browsers allow some control of most cookies through the browser settings. To find out more about cookies, including how to see what cookies have been set and how to manage and delete them, visit www.aboutcookies.org or www.allaboutcookies.org.

Visit http://www.wikihow.com/Disable-Cookies to see how to disable cookies from a number of devices.

Cookie PreferenceThis cookie is used to remember a user’s choice about cookies on this website. This cookie is, by default, set on arrival to the site with a value of ‘True’.
Google AnalyticsThese cookies are used to collect information about how visitors use our site. We use the information to compile reports and to help us improve the site. The cookies collect information in an anonymous form, including the number of visitors to the site, where visitors have come to the site from and the pages they visited. Also used by Google Analytics to throttle request rate Click here for an overview of privacy at Google
SecurityThis cookie helps enhance the security of the website, to uniquely identify visitors and monitor suspicious traffic.
CommentsIf you leave a comment on our site you may opt-in to saving your name, email address and website in cookies. These are for your convenience so that you do not have to fill in your details again when you leave another comment. These cookies will last for one year.
Google reCAPTCHAThese are essential site cookies, used by the google reCAPTCHA. These cookies use an unique identifier for tracking purposes. Click here for an overview of privacy at Google

You may choose to prevent this website from aggregating and analyzing the actions you take here. Doing so will protect your privacy, but will also prevent the owner from learning from your actions and creating a better experience for you and other users.

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